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  • 2024 July Newsletter

    Big changes for Provincial Corporate Tax returns in 2025 Alberta Corporate Income Tax returns (AT1’s) for taxation years starting after December 31, 2024, will be required to file their provincial returns regardless of if the return is NIL. All corporations that do not file their AT1 returns will be required to pay a penalty of $1000. […]

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  • 2024 May Newsletter

    On May 1, 2024 the federal government rolled out the CDCP for eligible seniors aged 70 & older & opened up online applications for those aged 65-69. 

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  • 2024 April Newsletter

    Do you earn full-time or part-time income from online platforms?

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  • 2024 March Update

    Our Hours Are Changing April 1st

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  • November/December 2023

    Our fantastic team has had an extremely busy year, so Glen & Richard are letting us close the office from December 21, 2023, at 4 PM to January 2, 2024, at 9 AM to celebrate the Christmas season.

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  • October 2023

    Mieko Ouchi was recognized for her contributions to the arts by receiving the 2023 Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Alberta Distinguished Artist Award.

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  • September 2023

    We’re adjusting our Sherwood Park office hours to accommodate a team members leave in of absence in October & November.

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  • Zero-emission vehicles (EVs)

    Planning to buy a new car? Are you looking at zero-emission vehicles? “It is good for the environment & your tax bill.”

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  • August 2023

    Meet Vince & Hermann in our August 2023 client spotlight.

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  • July 2023

    Introducing our new junior accountants: on the left Andy Lu & on the right Meet Patel.
    (Our guys are happy as they don’t feel quite so outnumbered anymore!)

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  • Keep Your Finances on Track

    With your finances, it’s a good idea to check in on your progress periodically to see if any adjustments to your budget or changes in your habits are necessary. Here are a few ways to look at your habits & keep your finances on track.

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  • June 2023

    You may be tired of hearing about the UHT however, there are such huge penalties for not filing a return we feel we need to keep this topic in the forefront.

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  • Family & Friends in Business

    Ever dreamed of starting a family business? Investing in a business opportunity with friends?
    Businesses owned & operated by families can have incredible staying power.

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  • Mortgage Protection

    Buying a property is a big investment. It’s often one of the most important & costly investments people make in their lives. When getting a mortgage, many buyers focus solely on the immediate steps they have to take and don’t consider mortgage protection.

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  • May 2023

    On April 1, 2023, the new First Home Savings Account (FHSA) went live. This new tax-free savings plan offers first time home buyers the ability to save up to $8,000 a year to a maximum life-time contribution of $40,000.

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  • April 2023

    The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) announced that due to the “unique challenges” associated with the UHT, they will not penalize those are late filing or paying their 2022 UHT.

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  • Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

    Here are some simple tips to improve your credit score you can start working on today.

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  • March 2023

    With all the scams happening these days it’s difficult to know when the phone call you’re dealing with is really from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). 

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  • Financial Independence for Women

    Financial independenc means you can support yourself financially without relying on others for help. It also means you control your finances because you make your own financial decisions, rather than someone else making them for you. And, now more than ever, financial independence for women is important.

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  • February 2023

    The Underused Housing Tax (UHT) is a new annual 1% tax on the ownership of vacant or underused housing in Canada.

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  • An Estate Plan

    If putting together an estate plan isn’t at the top of your priority list, you’re not alone. It’s not something people typically want to think about for a variety of reasons.

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  • January 2023

    Starting January 18, The Affordability Action Plan (TAAP) is rolling out $600 payments in $100 monthly installments.

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